David Rentsch verfügt über einen Master of Arts in Afrikastudien der Universität Basel und einen Bachelor of Arts in Geschichte der Universität Bern. Seit Juni 2021 ist er Doktorand am Historischen Institut der Universität Bern. Im Rahmen des SNF-Ambizione Projekts “Disruptions and Anticipations of the Synthetic Age: Rubber, Science and Ressources” arbeitet er an seinem Dissertationsprojekt mit dem Tital “Yangambi and the Global Rubber Frontier: Science, Cash-Crops and social Change in the Belgian Congo, c. 1908-1960.”
David Rentsch holds a Master of Arts in African Studies from the University of Basel and a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Bern. He has been a doctoral student at the Institute of History at the University of Bern since June 2021. As part of the SNSF Ambizione project "Disruptions and Anticipations of the Synthetic Age: Rubber, Science and Ressources", he is working on his dissertation project entitled "Yangambi and the Global Rubber Frontier: Science, Cash-Crops and social Change in the Belgian Congo, c. 1908-1960."
“Yangambi and the Global Rubber Frontier: Science, Cash-Crops and Social Change in the Belgian Congo, c. 1908-1960.”
Prof. Dr. Christof Dejung (Universität Bern)
Dr. Moritz von Brescius (Universität Bern)