MIKO Workshop MIKO Workshop The MIKO research co-operation invites you to a workshop where ongoing projects will be presented and discussed. Chair: Manon Borel 14.15-15.00 András Handl: Sanctuary of Faith: How Religious Networks Were Used to Provide Refuge of North Africans in Rome during the Decian Persecutions of Christians (250-251 CE) 15.00-15.45 Muhammad Aslam: Labor Migration to Persian Gulf Countries and Sustainable Development in Pakistan: A Multidimensional Analysis 15.45-16.15 Break 16.15-17.00 Ali Sonay: Trajectories of “Syrianness”: Imaginations of Syria in the Diaspora Media since 2011 17.00-17.30 Final Discussion 28.5.2025, Unitobler, Room F-102 Please register with Jelena Mitrić by 23 May. Downloads Programme (PDF, 58KB)
Workshop Workshop «Global Gateways: Port Cities as Points of Passage» This workshop seeks to explore the dual nature of port cities as both physical and symbolic points of passage. With presentations on the history of Dakar, Hamburg, Philadelphia, and Tokyo, among others, we will examine how these locations facilitated not only the movement of goods and people but also the shifting dynamics of power, culture, and identity in the last two centuries. 11.4.2025, 9.00–18.30, Mittelstrasse 43, Room 22 If you would like to receive the pre-circulated papers, please send an email to agnes.gehbald@unibe.ch. Poster (PDF, 651KB) Programme (PDF, 609KB)
Filmvorführung Filmvorführung «Gefangene des Schicksals» Mehdi Sahebi, selbst in den 1980er-Jahren aus dem Iran in die Schweiz geflohen, begleitete geflüchtete Menschen aus Afghanistan und dem Iran in ihrem Alltag in der Schweiz. Die eigene Geschichte des Filmemachers, seine Sprachkenntnisse und sein langjähriges Engagement ermöglichten ihm dabei einen intimen und zugleich humorvollen Zugang. 28.2.2025, 17.30-20.00, Unitobler, Raum F013 Downloads Flyer (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Workshop Workshop «Imagining an After in Migration. Bordering and Cruel Hope» with Prof. Shahram Khosravi, Stockholm University This workshop reflects on ethnographic explorations of the “after” in migration, deportation and border studies. Discussing alternative futures in these fields requires critical reflections on exile, home, hope and integration. Through engaging critically with borders, bordering practices and in-group/out-group categorizations, the workshop brings together ethnographic studies that explore hindrances to future-making, ways of living, connectivities and solidarities across the borders. 20.2.2025, 10.00-16.00, UniS, Room A-124 To register and receive the workshop materials, please write a short email to Moslem Ghomashlouyan. Links Further information