Capitalism (CCCALL)

Capitalism in Context: Commodification and Appropriation of Land and Labor in the Modern World (CCCALL)

The research group CCCALL analysis the rise and spread of extractivist economies based on control over land and labor from the enclosure of common land in 16th century Europe to the establishment of large estates and colonial plantation economies from the 17th century onwards to recent processes of land grabbing. CCCALL relates the economic dimension of the commodification and appropriation of land to the transformation of gender dynamics and social relations, the involvement with specific regimes of power, the relation between free and unfree labor and to environmental change. Research combines local and regional approaches with perspectives on the incorporation of agricultural production and labor regimes in global value chains. Furthermore, it takes a particular interest in feminist perspectives on social reproduction. Finally, CCCAL focuses on the entangled origins of extreme wealth and extreme inequality based on the commodification and appropriation of land and labor.


Prof. Dr. Christian Büschges

Prof. Dr. Christof Dejung


Dr. Juri Auderset

Dr. Sabine Bieri

Dr. Moritz von Brescius

Prof. Dr. Christian Büschges

Prof. Dr. Christof Dejung

Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller

Prof. Dr. Stefan Leins

Dr. Sibylle Marti

Dr. Carlos Olano

M.A. Laura Rowitz

PD Dr. Matthias Ruoss

Dr. Daniel Schläppi

Dr. Melina Teubner

M.A. Rea Vogt

Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj