Center for Global Studies (CGS)


Serap Özer

Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften

Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities
Center for Global Studies
Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Universität Bern
Muesmattstrasse 45
CH-3012 Bern

Serap Özer

After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in Archaeology: Europe and the Near East in 2018 and a Master of Arts in Near Eastern Archaeology in 2022, both at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Serap Özer began her Ph.D. at the Institute of Archaeological Sciences at the University of Bern in spring 2024. Prior to this, she gained practical work experience by working for excavation companies. Her Ph.D. thesis focuses on the urbanization of the Margiana, with data collection conducted through excavations and geophysical prospection in Turkmenistan.

Titel des Promotionsvorhabens

Die Urbanisierung der bronzezeitlichen Margiana am Beispiel Togolok


 Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex, Togolok, Margiana, Murghab, Togolok Archaeological Project TAP