Center for Global Studies (CGS)

Assoziierte Forschende

Isabel Piniella Grillet is associated researcher at the Center for Global Studies of the University of Bern and  postdoctoral researcher at the Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent (CNRS) as member of the international research network HISTEMAL coordinated by Frédérique Langue. In 2021 she completed her PhD Studies at the Institute of History of the University of Bern also as member of the Global Studies Program, with a thesis on political commitment within the cultural production in Venezuela in the 1960s. She previously obtained her Master’s degree in Contemporary Philosophy in 2014 from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Girona. In 2013, she completed her Bachelor in Arts in Humanities with a major in Contemporary History and Philosophy at the Pompeu Fabra University, having spent a year abroad at the University of Vienna. In 2019 she was guest researcher at the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut in Berlin and has been awarded a scholarship from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst and the Dr. Joséphine de Karman Foundation. Since 2016 she is member of the Swiss School of Latin American Studies.

Research Project

(Ab)Uses of Memory: Cult Figures from Cuba and Venezuela

The project (Ab)Uses of Memory: Cult Figures from Cuba and Venezuela examines official and dissident discourses around the cult figures and independence heroes of Cuba and Venezuela, José Martí and Simón Bolívar respectively. It reflects on the use and abuse of collective memory in the public space based on the critical translations in the artistic expression of Reynier Leyva Novo and Deborah Castillo, among other examples. More generally and in relation to heritage debates, their artworks reflect on the role of such monuments in contemporary societies. It is precisely the (abusive) relationship between heritage (understood as a site of memory), history, and emotions that drives the project. With regard to the global frame, the project also resorts to debates on recent removal of statues and decolonizing practices, a background scenario that places this research proposal within contemporary debates. The project therefore aspires to contribute to the understanding of the political instrumentalization of collective memory as a key aspect of the mobilization of emotions and affect around the nation.

Research topics

Cultural History, Global History, Latin American History, Cultural Analysis, Memory Studies, Affect Theory, Political Art

Publikationen (BORIS)

Jump to: 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017


Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (2021). Engranajes de la cultura protestataria: La izquierda cultural venezolana a la luz del proyecto interamericano de Nueva Solidaridad y en diálogo con la Generación Beat. In: Birle, Peter; Fernández Derraz, Enrique; Ruvituso, Clara (eds.) Las izquierdas latinoamericanas y europeas: Idearios, praxis y sus circulaciones transregionales en la larga década del sesenta. Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana: Vol. 182 (pp. 51-70). Madrid/Berlin: Iberoamericana/Vervuert

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (2021). ¿Revolución sin afecto? Voces femeninas críticas de la literatura venezolana (In Press). A Contracorriente: una revista de estudios latinoamericanos NC State University

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (2021). Del petróleo la tinta: Patología del campo cultural venezolano en los sesenta (In Press). In: Los paisajes del subsuelo: configuraciones, narrativas y espacios en la cultura del petróleo. Manuel Silva Ferrer

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (2021). ¿Estéticas o políticas del desperdicio? Márgenes del campo cultural venezolano en los años sesenta (In Press). In: Sobras espectrales: hacia una crítica estético-política de restos y basura. Barcelona: Linkgua

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (2021). The resistance of peroles: Artistic Strategies Drenched in Oil (Submitted). In: NO Rhetoric(s). Versions and Subversions of Resistance in Contemporary GlobalArt. Zurich: Diaphanes

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina; Alonso Gómez, Sara; Rosauro, Elena (eds.) (2021). NO Rhetoric(s). Versions and Subversions of Resistance in Contemporary GlobalArt (Submitted). Zurich: Diaphanes


Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (2019). Ramírez, Mari Carmen and Tahía Rivero (2018). Contesting Modernity: Informalism in Venezuela, 1955–1975. Exhibition Catalog. Houston: Museum of Fine Arts. 272 pages. Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 48(1), pp. 117-119. Stockholm University Press 10.16993/iberoamericana.471

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (16 May 2019). Entrelazados, (in)materiales: Redes transnacionales de los intelectuales venezolanos en la década de los sesenta (Unpublished). In: Research Colloquium: Wissensproduktion und Kulturtransfer: Lateinamerika mi transregionalen Kontext. Berlin. 16 May 2019.

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (4 February 2019). Lo que habita los márgenes: ¿Estéticas o políticas del desperdicio? (Unpublished). In: International Symposium: Beyond Recycling: Crossed Perspectives on the Management of Waste, Remains and Surplus. Geneva. 4-5 February 2019.

Müller, Andrea; Oehri, Noah; Piniella, Isabel (2019). Angélica Mateus Mora, Universidad de Tours; Christian León, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar y Valeria Manzano, Universidad de San Martín. Forma - Revista d’Estudis Comparatius, 18, pp. 12-20. Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Müller, Andrea; Oehri, Noah; Piniella, Isabel (2019). Ver y oír en América Latina: La (des)articulación de un (sub)continente. Forma - Revista d’Estudis Comparatius, 18, pp. 5-10. Universitat Pompeu Fabra


Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina; Oehri, Noah (27 October 2018). Conference Organizing: Challenges and Best Practices (Unpublished). In: Workshop Thinking Through Latin American Studies. Swiss School of Latin American Studies. Geneva. 26-27 October 2018.

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (22 September 2018). Mil palabras por cada imagen: El relato fotográfico de Asfalto-Infierno (Unpublished). In: América Latina en la mira: Poder y representación en fuentes audiovisuales. Bern. 21-22 September 2018.

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (2018). Cadáver del objeto: basurología y escatología en El Techo de la Ballena. Mitologías hoy, 17, pp. 51-64. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 10.5565/rev/mitologias.553

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (17 May 2018). La izquierda cultural venezolana: Entrelazamientos transnacionales con la Generación Beat (Unpublished). In: International Symposium. Contribuciones del Sur a la Transformación del Norte. América Latina y el movimiento del 68 en perspectiva global. Berlin. 17-18 May 2018.

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (5 May 2018). El margen negro: Intelectuales y petróleo en la década de los sesenta en Venezuela (Unpublished). In: DoktorandInnen Treffen 2018: Geschichte Lateinamerikas. Bern. 4-5 May 2018.

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (16 February 2018). "...hasta que se agote el petróleo": Voces en Pozo muerto de El Techo de la Ballena (Unpublished). In: Journée d'études: Cinéma, pouvoirs et liberté en Amérique Latine. Tours. 16 June 2018.


Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (27 July 2017). Intersecciones globales y circuitos intelectuales: Participación de escritores venezolanos en la revista mexicana El Corno Emplumado (Unpublished). In: VIII Intersecciones globales y circuitos intelectuales. Montevideo. 26-27 July 2017.

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (26 July 2017). Sexo y revolución: testimonios femeninos en la Venezuela del repliegue intelectual. In: XIII Jornadas nacionales de Historia de las Mujeres and VIII Congreso de Estudios de Género: Horizontes revolucionarios. Voces y cuerpos en conflicto. Buenos Aires: University of Buenos Aires / University of Quilmes

Piniella Grillet, Isabel Josefina (22 June 2017). Campos sembrados: Aproximación metodológica desde la historia de la cultura al discurso estético-político latinoamericano (Unpublished). In: Accesos móviles – Alternative Zugänge. Bern. 22-23 June 2017.